Jaki Herzlich Playful Tinkerings of Wondrous Noises

"The variety of noises is infinite. If today, when we have perhaps a thousand different machines, we can distinguish a thousand different noises, tomorrow, as new machines multiply, we will be able to distinguish ten, twenty, or thirty thousand different noises, not merely in a simply imitative way, but to combine them according to our imagination." - Luigi Russolo


  1. Arachne (04:57)
  2. Forgotten Dreams (04:43)
  3. The Princess (55)
  4. Arctic (01:04)
  5. Breakthrough (20)
  6. They're Still Here (03:36)
  7. Flying Bird (15)
  8. More Than Slim (04:27)
  9. Warping Clocks (02:34)
  10. Calling Me Again (03:42)
  11. Flying Bird II: Turning Tides (01:43)
  12. Double Shots (02:12)
  13. We Have Visitors (03:25)