Various Artists Exotic Functions: A Very Friendly Tribute to Throbbing Gristle

This compilation was put together by the members of the Yugo wave / dark wave / industrial / italodisco DEEP DIVE DISCORD to pay tribute to one of our favorite bands: the experimentalists, the pioneers of "industrial", the eternal legends, THROBBING GRISTLE.

Each of the covers and treatments found in this compilation put the classic sounds of Throbbing Gristle into a new context while keeping the essence of the originals. In a way, this is both an homage and an extension of the sounds that we love. And we hope you will love them as well.


  1. Eyerolls - Industrial Introduction (01:04)
  2. Michael Idehall - Distant Dreams (Part Two) (02:59)
  3. pepper jean - What a Day! (03:15)
  4. Masoklove - AB/7A (03:48)
  5. Eyerolls - Persuasion (06:11)
  6. Pigswill - United (00:19)
  7. Chaos Doll - We Hate You (Little Girls) (02:19)
  8. call me lethargy. - Death Threats (02:03)
  9. GasmaskAvenger and Heavy Thrashhead - Hamburger Lady (08:13)
  11. Scum Alice - Dead Souls (03:04)
  12. Eyerolls - The Girl from Very Friendly (02:56)
  13. Chaos Doll - Subhuman (02:55)
  14. Pigswill - Lyre Liar (05:40)
  15. Scum Alice - See You Are (04:53)
  16. kiss of revolution - Very Friendly (07:45)